- I originally purchased ProjectGreenPlanet.org and created a non-profit but I soon found that there weren’t enough hours in the day for me to properly devote my time to it.
- The Internet is the most efficient way to acquire new customers and anytime someone types into a search engine “Project Green Planet”, or any other phrase with these keywords, your site could be the first they see and you can easily redirect all the traffic these domains receive to your current website, simply by forwarding.
- Using the exact keywords, the Google search results for each domain is the following:
“Project Green Planet” = 513,000,000 google hits
Comparative Sales:
In 2008 according to NameBio.com, WorldwideProjects.com sold for $20,000. The comparison is that they both are a 3 word domain, but in comparison ProjectGreenPlanet.org has so much more meaning.
Price: $25,000
To purchase ProjectGreenPlanet.org, click on the Buy Now Escrow.com button below or snap the QR code